Welcome to the Free Talk Show…
A talk show with people who care about software freedom.
The Free Talk Show is hosted by me, Abhas Abhinav – a hacker, entrepreneur and free software activist. The Free Talk Show aims to create an enriching and long term conversation with people who care about software freedom. I feel that is important to record these perspectives from various people so that it enables everyone else to understand why free software is important and how we can identify with it in our every-day lives.
I invite you to listen to these episodes and share them with people you know. This is the first time I am trying to produce a talk show and any feedback that might help improve the records or make the conversations more valuable are very welcome. Please share these recordings with others you might know in the community.
You can reach me on abhas@deeproot.in. Or just add a comment to the corresponding episode page.
The first four episodes were recorded on the sidelines of the Swatantra 2017 conference in Trivandrum in Decemeber 2017. I would like thank Arun M for providing so much continued support and inspiration to actually do this. None of this would’ve materialised without your encouragement and gentle push.
Nishant Sharma handled the audio recordings, cleaned up the audio and was responsible for ensuring that the recordings happened properly. Amit ‘proxygeek’ Kumar reviewed and edited the transcripts and contributed to the website development. Thank you, Nishant and Amit.